C#從零開始_自學C#、Visual Studio實境秀 29/ Command-Line assembly DLL using namespa...

3:00 鍵盤快速鍵,在「工具」》選項》鍵盤 設定 "套用下列其他鍵盤對應配置" 選 Visual Basic 6 就可以 Ctrl+N 便建新專案

5:10 我平生第一個 DLL

2:30:00 dll 進入點 VBA C# VB

4:20:00 How to: Register a Component for COM Interop http://bit.ly/2ujPT0d Register for COM interop

This property is not available for Windows Application or Console Application projects.

6:00:00 註冊 dll Create a Class Library Project in VS and add the following class to it. Sign the project and use "regasm [assemblyfilename]" (without /tlb) option to register it. Finally add it to GAC using "gacutil -i [assemblyname]": http://bit.ly/2vndqtX

6:04:00 在類別庫專案中稱「 assembly 」就是指 dll assembly(dll) 註冊 就是註冊這個dll的名字  http://bit.ly/2v2tIct

6:10:00 在檔案總管中按住shift再按下滑鼠右鍵,即可開啟power shell

6:59:00 dll assembly 註冊 學習仍是失敗! 反而加入二個不需要的類別 COMExposedAssembly.Person  DLL_Command_Line_ConsoleApp.MyFirstDllLibrary  繼續基礎課自修。

7:00:20 Main() and Command-Line Arguments (C# Programming Guide) http://bit.ly/2tQskuJ

8:15:00 Namespaces (C# Programming Guide) http://bit.ly/2tU2UMT using Directive (C# Reference) http://bit.ly/2tq7i2I


8:39:00 IsNullOrEmpty IsNull http://bit.ly/2tdiPHm

8:45:00 [C#] .net tostring format 格式說明 http://bit.ly/2vnwBUE [C#] 字串輸出格式

8:47:50 補0用: Console.Write("{0:D5}", 25); //00025  D:十進位,5:五位數。http://bit.ly/2tqb10c

9:21:00 composite formatting 複合格式化功能 http://bit.ly/2utLyrP

8:55:45 String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace http://bit.ly/2v3fFmY Char.IsWhiteSpace

9:04:00 單引號 '' 用法 ? 9:26:40 所以單引號在 "composite formatting 複合格式化功能" 中引用就是當其本身''顯示出來。

9:30:00 雙引號在  "composite formatting 複合格式化功能" 顯示的寫法 「\"」

9:33:00 using static 使程式碼更簡潔 http://bit.ly/2tW8WLi 10:21 Using Static Type http://bit.ly/2tq7i2I

9:39:00 Double.TryParse Method http://bit.ly/2tqgKTF

10:34:00 The right side of a using alias directive must always be a fully-qualified type regardless of the using directives that come before it. 但是經測試,仍然可以省略呢!


10:38:00 For a list of the system-defined namespaces, see .NET Framework Class Library.

