C++自修入門實境秀、C++ Primer 5版研讀秀 25/ ~4.8. The Bitwise Operators -Visual Stud...

Visual Studio 2019 Code Like Scott https://youtu.be/lGovrXGSFWc Getting Started Faster with Git and GitHub https://youtu.be/9ITVx4VvkcI 2:00如何把自己的專案放到GitHub上面 Add Solution to Source Control... 19:10 發布到GitHub然後用另一台電腦clone下載 2:34:20 32:00如何改變專案目錄 用文字編輯器打開.sln檔,直接改訂 21:00 1:4:30 1:34:45什麼叫推(push)拉(pull) 9:30 I like that Questioner! Thanks a lot! let me understand what's pull request and branches. 感恩感恩 南無阿彌陀佛 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ITVx4VvkcI&lc=UgyurJ-qlRxsXRAOTxV4AaABAg 1:47:20 new branch 創建新分支 1:50:20提交pull request 2:23:00 Deleting a repository 刪除一個存放庫(repository) 2:33:00如何移除遠端GitHub上的存放庫(repository) 1:8:00 Word VBA 寫一個可以開新視窗後直接到「臉書直播」標題的程式(程序) 2:44:20 4.8. The Bitwise Operators 4.8位元運算子 2:50:30 頁153 Table 4.3. Bitwise Operators (Left Associative) 「正負號位元(sign bit)」 2:58:00 Bitwise Shift Operators 位元移位運算子 3:0:50 移位(shift) 3:13:10 The left-shift operator (the << operator) inserts 0-valued bits on the right. The behavior of the right-shift operator (the >> operator) depends on the type of the left-hand operand: If that operand is unsigned, then the operator inserts 0-valued bits on the left; if it is a signed type, the result is implementation defined—either copies of the sign bit or 0-valued bits are inserted on the left.(pdf版) 左移運算子(<<運算子)會在右邊插入0值的位元。右移運算子(>> 運算子)的行為則取決於左運算元的型別:如果該運算元是unsigned的,那麼運算子就會在左邊插入0值的位元;如果是有號型別,結果則是由實作定義,可能是拷貝正負號位元,或在左邊插入0值位元。(中文版根據pdf版翻的) The left-shift operator (the << operator ) inserts 0-valued bits on the right.When shifting unsigned char and unsigned short values, it is essential to remember that such values might promote to signed int (§ 4.11.1 , p. 160 ). If the operand to the right-shift operator (the >> operator ) is unsigned or has a nonnegative value, then the operator inserts 0-valued bits on the left; if it is a signed type and has a negative value, the result is implementation defined.(Google圖書版) 竟然有不一樣的!(目前我們是以google圖書為主) 頁154 Bitwise NOT Operator 位元NOT運算子 可叫「反轉運算子」 反轉(inverted) 3:37:40 Bitwise AND, OR, and XOR Operators 位元AND、OR與XOR運算子 AND 是對兩端的運算元都有「1」來說的。 ⑧找對主詞 到底是誰與誰and又是什麼跟什麼and 3:47:15 Using Bitwise Operators 使用位元運算子 頁155 頁156 4:19:40 Shift Operators (aka IO Operators) Are Left Associativ 移位運算子(即I0運算子)是左結合的 2:24:00 由此 ( (cout << "hi") << " there" ) << endl; 可見左結合(left associative)者,(換算之)括號在左邊也。 括號即有「結合」(群組化)之義 4:33:10 練習4.25 'q'的位元模式是01110001 ~'q' << 6 'q' →00000000 00000000 00000000 01110001 ~'q' →00000000 00000000 00000000 10001110 ~'q' << 6→00000000 00000000 00100011 10000000 練習4.26 4:43:10 練習4.27 unsigned long ul1 = 3, ul2 = 7; (a) ul1 & ul2 (b) ul1 | ul2 (c) ul1 && ul2 1=true (d) ul1 || ul2 1=true

