C++自修入門實境秀、C++ Primer 5版研讀秀 42 ~v7 類別-Visual Basic .NET 讀取Word並從找到的字串擷取該...


用 Marshal. GetActiveObject()改寫

Imports sr = System.Runtime

30:20 測試成功

Imports System.Windows.Forms

Imports wd = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word '引用別名(Alias) https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/32449.namespace-aliases-in-visual-basic-net-howto.aspx

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

Module Module2_Marshal

Sub Main()

Dim fName = CurDir() & "\心經.docx"

Dim findTxt = "色即是空"

Dim f As New Form 'https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsdesktop/zh-TW/46d73fc9-4603-43ae-acf8-03873f17dfeb/msgbox-topmost?forum=232

f.TopMost = True '訊息方塊最上層顯示

If Dir(fName) = "" Then

MessageBox.Show(f, "沒有此檔案,請檢查路徑、檔名是否正確!") '訊息方塊最上層顯示,下式不行:

'MsgBox("沒有此檔案,請檢查路徑、檔名是否正確!", Buttons:=MsgBoxStyle.Critical + MsgBoxStyle.ApplicationModal)

Exit Sub

End If

If findTxt = "" Then

MessageBox.Show(f, "沒有尋找字串,請重新指定!")

'MsgBox("沒有尋找字串,請重新指定!",Buttons:=MsgBoxStyle.Critical + MsgBoxStyle.ApplicationModal)

Exit Sub

End If

Dim obj As [Object] = Nothing 'https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-tw/dotnet/api/system.runtime.interopservices.marshal.getactiveobject?view=netframework-4.8


obj = Marshal.GetActiveObject("Word.Application")

Catch e As Exception

End Try

If obj Is Nothing Then

Dim app As New wd.Application '只是把app改成obj而已,似乎多此一舉,然若能在出錯的版本上執行,也算權解了

obj = Marshal.GetActiveObject("Word.Application")

End If

Dim docs As wd.Documents = obj.Documents

'Use the Documents property to return the Documents collection.

'And use the return Documents collection to initialize the docs Documents


Dim doc As wd.Document = docs.Open(fName)

'ojc.Visible = True '是怕開啟檔案時會有對話方塊,如果當機,才能手動關閉Word app

'app.WindowState = wd.WdWindowState.wdWindowStateMinimize

Dim foundRng As wd.Range = doc.Range()

If foundRng.Find().Execute(findTxt) Then '如果有找到的話




Console.ReadLine() '在Console按下Enter鍵即可離開

End If

doc.ActiveWindow.Visible = True

'doc.Close(wd.WdSaveOptions.wdDoNotSaveChanges) '如果要關掉文件,再執行此行

'如果有用到Dim app As New wd.Application 這行,就最好執行此行:


doc = Nothing : docs = Nothing : obj = Nothing

End Sub

End Module


36:30 如果只處理純文字的部分

因為for each的執行效能太差,約為find方法的二倍以上


1:19:00 推到GitHut發布共享

Imports System.Windows.Forms

Imports wd = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word '引用別名(Alias) https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/32449.namespace-aliases-in-visual-basic-net-howto.aspx

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

Module Module2

Sub Main_Module2()

Dim fName = CurDir() & "\翁方綱及其文獻學研究_print.doc" '"\心經.docx"

Dim findTxt = "我愛,與我母。"

Dim f As New Form 'https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsdesktop/zh-TW/46d73fc9-4603-43ae-acf8-03873f17dfeb/msgbox-topmost?forum=232

f.TopMost = True '訊息方塊最上層顯示

If Dir(fName) = "" Then

MessageBox.Show(f, "沒有此檔案,請檢查路徑、檔名是否正確!") '訊息方塊最上層顯示,下式不行:

'MsgBox("沒有此檔案,請檢查路徑、檔名是否正確!", Buttons:=MsgBoxStyle.Critical + MsgBoxStyle.ApplicationModal)

Exit Sub

End If

If findTxt = "" Then

MessageBox.Show(f, "沒有尋找字串,請重新指定!")

'MsgBox("沒有尋找字串,請重新指定!",Buttons:=MsgBoxStyle.Critical + MsgBoxStyle.ApplicationModal)

Exit Sub

End If

Dim app As New wd.Application

Dim docs As wd.Documents = app.Documents

Dim doc As wd.Document = docs.Open(fName,, [ReadOnly]:=True, AddToRecentFiles:=False)


Dim docContent As String = doc.Content.Text

Dim startPst As Long = InStr(docContent, findTxt)

If startPst > 0 Then

Dim thisparaEnd As Long = InStr(startPst, docContent, Chr(13))

Dim thisparaStart As Long = InStrRev(docContent, Chr(13), startPst) + 1

If thisparaStart = 0 Then thisparaStart = 1 '如果是第一段文件

Dim findTxtPara As String = Mid(docContent, thisparaStart, thisparaEnd - thisparaStart + 1)


' Dim foundRng As wd.Range = doc.Range()

'Dim p As wd.Paragraph


Console.ReadLine() '在Console按下Enter鍵即可離開

End If

'如果有用到Dim app As New wd.Application 這行,就最好執行此行:


doc = Nothing : docs = Nothing : app = Nothing

End Sub

End Module

